
Improving Our Family Menu

School Fundraiser Solutions: Homemade Chocolate Truffles

As the new school year approaches, fundraising season is going to kick into full swing. If your child's school is hosting bake sales and you want to offer something truly unique that's sure to bring in money, you should consider making homemade chocolate truffles. If your first thought is that those are far too complicated, you may be surprised. In fact, gourmet treats like these are much easier to make than you might think. Read More 

About Me

Improving Our Family Menu

After eating poorly for years and years, I realized that my kids were suffering the consequences of poor eating habits. They were starting to gain more and more weight, and they were less and less motivated to move around. I wanted to teach them to live a long, happy, and healthy life, which is why I decided to switch up our family menu. I started focusing on providing them with fresh fruits and veggies, and slowly they developed a liking for more nutritious food. This blog is for any parent out there looking for a way to make their home eating habits healthier.

